Is Timmy Mallet the man behind the ‘Yellowhammer’ report :)

Branding the Brexit Plan, Operation Yellowhammer
Branding the Brexit Plan, Operation Yellowhammer

Branding the Brexit Plan, Operation Yellowhammer, gives us the perception that Timmy Mallet is co-ordinating the No Deal Brexit plans….and to be fair he could probably do a better job.

Operation Yellowhammer is the codename for the overarching work across government to address the immediate impacts of a no-deal Brexit.

Operation Yellowhammer deals with 12 potential “areas of risk”, such as movement of goods and people across the Irish border, UK food and water supplies, healthcare and transport.

According to the Sunday Times, the Yellowhammer dossier predicts:

  • CRAZY – A three-month “meltdown” at Irish/British ports because 85% of UK lorries using the main Channel crossings “may not be ready”
  • BONKERS – A hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic will be likely
  • MADNESS – Shortages of food and medicine
  • NUTS – Petrol import tariffs “inadvertently” leading to the closure of two oil refineries
  • STICKING PLASTERS NEEDED – Protests across Northern Ireland & wider UK which could “require significant amounts of police resources”

Brexit is bad enough for Irish companies to consider when devising sales and marketing strategies, never mind the thought of a ‘No Deal’, now we must personally visualise Timmy Mallet leading the negotiations with this ‘Yellowhammer’ report.