Get Creative at the Dublin Maker Festival 2019

Dublin Maker 2019
Dublin Maker 2019

Dublin Maker is a free to attend, community run event, which will be held on Saturday 20 July, 2019 in Merrion Square, Dublin. Dublin Maker takes the form of a “show and tell” experience where inventors/makers sourced through an open call, will have an opportunity to showcase their creations at individual booths in a carnival atmosphere.

It is a family friendly showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness, and a celebration of the maker movement. It’s a place where people show what they are making and share what they are learning.

Makers range from tech enthusiasts to crafters, educators, tinkerers, hobbyists, engineers, artists, science clubs, students, authors and commercial exhibitors. They are of all ages and backgrounds, coming from all over Ireland and beyond. Dublin Maker’s mission is to entertain, inform and connect the makers of Ireland, while inspiring the next generation of Ireland’s makers and inventors.

This year Dublin Maker will again happen during the Festival of Curiosity, Dublin’s outstanding Science festival. We are delighted to be partnering up with our Curious friends this year again and to be helping to make a truly unforgettable weekend full of science, creativity and curiosity.


It’s a chance for us, as makers, to give back to the community through this event which will help inspire everyone to become a maker.

There is no other event like it! Where else would you get flame-thrower drum kits, exercise-powered Scalectrix, 14ft drums, Irish speaking robots, crochet, a forge, a rocket launch pad and period costume all in one place?

Merrion Square sits in the centre of Dublin City and is easily accessible by foot, bike and public transport. Join 10,000+ attendees in making the journey. A little known fact is that Dublin has never experienced rain in July.

The origins of the Dublin Maker committee go back to the golden days of the “Dublin Maker” street gang & haberdashery. Known for “making” trouble and weak puns, their aggressive and well “drilled” power tool themed dance routines brought confusion to many an eye. After being arrested for a crime they did not commit and a lengthy asylum in a country which now no longer exists, an accidental pardon allowed the Dublin Maker gang to regroup, after a two hour night class, in event planning form. The committee has often employed an awkward septagon power structure, which nobody really understands, or can draw freehand. This lead to an embarrassing six month period when an old 50p piece came to power as Dublin Makers central leader. During this time Dublin maker flourished, but the situation was eventually rectified and used to buy sweets from a shop, in the past.


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