Ireland is long famous for beer brewing and drinking, in fact the entire Island’s association with alcohol consumption is the butt of many a stereotype and joke.
But more recently, society here has stood up and led the way in making fundamental changes on many former socially acceptable habits, smoking bans and the promotion of drink aware (The encouragement of drinking sensibly) have brought Ireland on leaps and bounds.
So, it comes as no surprise that Province Brands, a Canadian brewer is seeking to launch some of its cannabis-based beers in Ireland next year…. yes, we said cannabis beer.
Commenting in the media recently, Naill Phelan, the new chief operating officer for Province says plan to target Irish millennials next year with beers containing CBD (cannabidiol).
Irish law would not allow for the active ingredient that makes users get high to be sold on the market here, but CBD type products that relax users might have a market potential.
A period of education is required, we think the company should move towards educational PR, after all there is a strong perception that some types of cannabis can have mental health impacts if the users don’t understand the impact it has on their body and mind (We suppose the same could be said about drink). We also believe sales should be gradually introduced to licenced premises to see how the market uses the product before releasing it to retail.
All in all, we say go for it, the CBD products my offer consumers an alternative that does not require them to laid up in the foetal position dying with a hangover for days, it might actually offer some consumers an alternative form and more acceptable form of relaxation.